Saturday 13 February 2010

Title Ideas

We decided to think about different titles for our project only when we finally got the story and the script done. Then we started to think of nouns and adjectives that could somehow match our story. So we searched for synonyms on Thesaurus, to broaden our vocabulary and invite more ideas in. We looked for 'Insane' synonyms, we quite liked the idea of 'Moonstruck' as it is not common, and it sounded interesting, like a Thriller title. Then we found another website, , which was really useful, since it helped us to finally decide the title for our film. We searched for random words, when the word 'Blackboard' appeared on the screen, we really liked the idea of 'Blackboard' as our title, but then we searched for synonyms to 'Blackboard', and decided to stick to 'Chalkboard'. The reason to why we really liked the idea of 'Blackboard' or 'Chalkboard' as our title, was because our main character snaps, goes insane and goes on a killing spree, and she coldly keeps the records to everyone she's killed on a chalkboard, tally mode.
We then got excited about the idea of the title 'Chalkboard' and decided to write the credits on our opening with a chalk, we will either use actual chalk or graphics, so it will look something like this. Below, there are a few examples of the 'experiments' I have done with our chosen title on a graphics generator, with different fonts and effects.

We will discuss as a group whether to use graphics or to actually write down on a chalkboard the titles needed for our project.

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