Sunday, 14 February 2010

Audience Research - Questionnaire Results

These were the results I received for the questionnaire I posted on Livejournal and gave to a few members on

Unfortunately, all of the people that responded are female so we don't have the views of male audience members. However, this genre of film is aimed more at males than females, so we can assume that males would be interested in watching our thriller film, particularly since it is more in the style of a typical Hollywood movie and involves women, violence and gore. Also, since we want to film it in a Frank Miller style, males are more likely to find that appealing than females as a large amount of comic book fans are male rather than the majority being female.

The response has been helpful and from the results, I have found that the title sequence is important to the audience, as it helps them decide whether the film is worth pursuing and they think that use of enigma is an effective part in gaining interest. Also, the majority of them think that using a soundtrack that is contrapuntal to what is happening on the screen is an effective technique that makes them think and gains their interest and also that music is an important part of establishing the mood in a film.

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